Live Events Technician | Digital Content Creator
I’ve always had a passion for telling stories, even before I really knew what that meant. Today, no matter what I am working on, I always aim to tell a story or enhance the story being told. Whether I’m capturing the beauty of nature or shaping the sound an audience hears, my mission is always to enhance the story. Whenever I am introduced to a new project the first question I ask myself is “How can I achieve this in a way that has never been imagined before.” Whether the end result has an impact on just 1 person or an arena of 100,000 people, I have achieved what I set out to do. While what I do might always seem fun, truth be told, it is a lot of hard work and takes an insane amount of time, but I absolutely love every second of it.
-Michael D Yarabinee
Live Events
Audio Engineering, Lighting Design, Technical Direction
Film production
Event recap, Wedding and Product advertisement films.
Portraiture, Landscapes, Weddings, Special events
Broadcast & Streaming
Production Designer, Technical Direction, Chief Engineer